Welcome to the Members Page!
This page provides you with all information regarding dates and events that are coming up for members...
Our current committee members....
Emily Steaggles - Chairman
Dave Russell - Vice Chairman
Emily Walker and Suzy Smith - Secretaries
Alice Redman and Tom Harwood - Programme Secretaries
Forthcoming events...
- Saturday 9th December - Club Xmas Meal @ White Hart Ampthill - Please dress up in your X-mas Jumpers
- Saturday 13th January - Bedfordshire Young Farmers Dance Competition
- Saturday 3rd February - County Ball - Park Inn, Bedford, Please speak to Emily about getting Tickets
Forthcoming Weekly Meetings...
- Wednesday 6th December - Ice Skating Woburn Sands - 30 spaces only
- Wednesday 13th December - Xmas Drinks
- Wednesday 10th January - Pantomime, Cinderella, MK, please speak to Alice about spaces
Forthcoming Parties...
- Tuesday 26th December - North Beds YFC Boxing Day Party
Member's achievements this year...
On the 2nd December, George one of our Junior members attended the Winter Stock Festival at the East of England Showground where he showed his prize winning Lamb in the Young Handlers Competition.
George was awarded 3rd Place! Well done George!!
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