Last night members got involved in a Bettle Drive with a Twist A.K.A a reindeer drive 😃
Members brought 3 objects worth 20p, 50p and £1 and rolled a dice to try and build their reindeer. The winner got to swap one of their prizes with someone else's prize.
After 9 games the points were added and prizes were given to the overall winners.
Sophie and Fallon won the Junior Comp - pictured below,
This year in the Public Speaking Competition we had Sophie and Fallon enter the Reading Comp. Their task was to read a short passage from the book 'An Eagle in the snow' by Michael Morpugo!
We also had 2 members Tom and Alice enter Senior member of the year Competition where members have an interview to discuss their involvement in Young Farmers.
Overall Alice came 2nd and Sophie came 1st and Fallon 4th.