Friday, 29 May 2015

County Meeting - Wednesday 27th May

At the end of every month Bedfordshire YFC have a county meeting which sees all 7 clubs come together on one night. 

This weeks meeting was all about farm safety and staying safe on the roads. 

This is a topic very close to members in Beds YFC as almost a year ago one member of Biggleswade tragically died in a tractor accident on the road. 

The meeting was designed to get members aware of the importance of staying safe. 

Also on the evening 3 members from each club were participating in the cookery competition. 

Each team had to prepare 4 dishes for an anniversary meal on 2 gas stoves! 

Silsoe's team consisted off Suzy smith, Emily walker and Alice Redman who overall came 3rd. 

They toasted bread and placed motzarrlla and tomato on top, Made prawn cocktail, cooked bacon and chicken in a creamy white wine sauce and served with green beans and mushrooms and made steamed puddings for desert. 

The final results are: 
1st Leighton buzzard 
2nd Leighton Buzzard 
3rd Silsoe 
4th Bedford 
5th Woburn 
6th Biggleswade
7th North Beds 

Thursday, 21 May 2015

Rally day 2015

This year rally took place at Herne Manor Farm, Toddington. 

The day consists of stock showing, flower arranging, pottery class, interview classes, sausage making and main ring events and much much more. 

At the end of the day it was time for the decorated floats and the infamous flour and water fight !!! 

The final results were : 
1st Woburn 
2nd Leighton Buzzard 
3rd Silsoe 

Monday, 4 May 2015

Float building - Bank Holiday Weekend

Each year at the Bedfordshire Young Farmers Country Show and Rally , each club in Bedfordshire Young Farmers create a float to a theme. 

This years theme is famous families and over the bank holiday weekend members have been busy making a start to the float! 

Can you guess what family it is ... 

Saturday, 2 May 2015

Advisory vs club sports comp - Thursday 23rd April

Every year silsoe members challenge the advisory and parents to a sports competition. Last year was badminton - this year was netball!! 

For the past few months advisory and members have been practising on Sunday evenings at the Flitwick leisure centre. 

On the night 13 members and 9 advisory members turned up to compete against each other. 

After a close match the final score was 17 to the members and 16 to advisory.