Saturday, 18 April 2015

Rally Road Sign

This afternoon Jim, Fraser and Alice put up our Silsoe sign which was designed by Tommy H!

Next time you travel down the A507 near Redborne School have a look .... 

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Rally count down begins ....

It's just under 5 weeks until rally! 

Look out for the rally signs up around the county....

Tonight's meeting!!!

Members spent this evening enjoying the summer sun playing rounders, ultimate frisbee and bull dog! 

Next weeks meeting is the annual sports competition against the advisory members , this year it's netball! 

Monday, 13 April 2015

Yesterday - stock judging and tug of war comp

Yesterday was the second day of YF competitions which gain points towards the Rally cup!! 

Members turned up to stock judge lambs, beef cattle, jersey dairy cows and pigs. 

Each pen has 4 animals in and competitors have to compare each animal to the 'ideal' animal for the purposes of food production. 

After a few nights of practising over the last couple of weeks , silsoe members did extremely well!

Will Timbury won Junior Parry Cup and Alice Redman came 4th in the Senior Parry Cup! 

Then a combination of WIlls', Alice's and Emily Walkers results meant that silsoe came second in the team event! 

Overall Alice was also placed 5th best stock judger on the day!! 

Well done Elena, Danielle and Sophie who also took part! 

Whilst some members were busy stock judging other had a go at the poultry plucking, poultry trussing and jointing and the rabbit skinning and jointing classes! These results will be announced on rally day! 

Suzy and Danielle also took part in equine judging which is simililar to stock judging, the results of which will also be announced on rally day ! 

In the afternoon it was the tug of war competition and after lots of drama silsoe's three teams (juniors, men's and women's) were all awarded 4th place! 

Well done to everyone who took part! 😜