Sunday, 23 November 2014

More great news ...

Today was the public speaking competitions at Box End Kempston. 

The competition that took place were:
Junior Member of the Year
Junior Reading 
Junior Public Speaking
Intermediate Brainstrust
Senior After Dinner Speaking 
Senior Member of the Year 

Silsoe enter 4 of the competitions and did brilliantly! 

Josh, Elena and Will all took part in junior public speaking, staging a mock meeting!  Elena chaired , Will gave a talk on different languages and Josh gave the vote of thanks! 

Overall they came 2nd , with Josh being the best vote of thanks!! 

5 members also entered Junior Member of the Year and Josh was placed 2nd. 

We also had a team in the intermediate Brainstrust . Charles, Philip , Emily and Rupert all did fab and came 2nd overall as well! 

Finally Alice entered the Senior Member of the Year Competition and won! This means Alice will now represent Bedfordshire in the eastern area round of the competition!! 

Thank you to all the advisory members who helped to train the team!! 

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Last night - Animal First Aid

Last night members had a meeting with Julia and Jerry from Julia Bonness Vetertainery surgery in Barton all about animal first aid. 

After the talk Julia answered any questions members had.

Then members took part in a quiz to see how much they had learnt and all got a free animal first aid kit. 

The winners of the quiz with 26/27 were Fleur, Suzy and Megan. In second place with 25/27 was Alice and Abbie. (Pictured below) 

Monday, 17 November 2014

We won!!!

I am pleased to announce that the silsoe 'teddy bear' positioned on the A507 near redbourne school made of bales came 1st. 

Well done to everyone who helped make him! 

The full results were: 
2nd - Leighton buzzard combine 
3rd - North Beds Minions
4th - Bedford Tower Bridge
5th - Biggleswade tractor, woburns cow and blunhams man